Seacat08's personal website for displaying his odd little creations
Hey there, welcome to my website! Whether you're here because you're a fan of my content, found me on some random forum on the 67th page of Google or most likely from me begging you to visit I welcome you to a website full of crappy and odd projects that all stem from one person. ME!
Here you'll mainly find my animations which I make as well as my art, music and mapping and level design projects. feel free to peruse them to your hearts content.
I Am a slice of toast
If you want to keep up with me there's a few ways to do so. YouTube is a big one, Subscribe to get updates whenever a new video is uploaded. You can find me on the Seacat08, Seacat09 and the DeadBread channels. You can also join the Discord server to get pinged whenever a new project is released.
I create animations for people on the internet and for some reason they enjoy them. Why not have a quick look through them!